PinotS Finance

For those determined to take control of their own finances and stop paying high annual fees for others to attempt growing their capital

Empower your financial future today

He lives in Switzerland, and he is a self-made Investor and Trader, ~1,000 hours of Training; 3,700 hours of Investing and Trading experience. Part of the ~9% of proven Profitable Traders around the World.

Meet Rodrigo Pinot

He is a seasoned finance professional with 25+ years of experience in all areas of corporate finance across Latin America, Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia. Big Pharma Leadership Team member at Country, Regional, and Global Levels.

His Portfolio includes Stocks, Derivatives, Bonds, and Futures with an annual Return over Buying Power of ~32% and a 16% Compound Annual Growth Rate.

The Journey to Expertise

A Portfolio of Diversity

Financial Growth Services

Enhance your financial literacy and grow your capital

A hand is holding a smartphone displaying a financial application. The screen shows a chart with a growth prediction in percentage, and sections labeled Personal, Retirement, and Custodial. The chart predicts cash invested and saved over a period of time, with specific dollar values provided for future growth.
A hand is holding a smartphone displaying a financial application. The screen shows a chart with a growth prediction in percentage, and sections labeled Personal, Retirement, and Custodial. The chart predicts cash invested and saved over a period of time, with specific dollar values provided for future growth.
  • Understand the value of financial education to save money in commissions and fees

  • Why no one can be more interested than yourself when deciding and acting upon your financial future

  • Reference to trusted and validated information sources (there are too many unrealistic and risky alternatives when doing self-research)

  • Why Derivatives (Options) carry less risk than the general public knows

close-up photo of assorted coins
close-up photo of assorted coins
A newspaper page focused on financial information, including stock market data, recent issues, rates, major price changes, and investment fund details. Columns of numbers are interspersed with headings and small charts, printed on plain paper with a slightly off-white background.
A newspaper page focused on financial information, including stock market data, recent issues, rates, major price changes, and investment fund details. Columns of numbers are interspersed with headings and small charts, printed on plain paper with a slightly off-white background.
Personal Finance
  • Why executives fall in the vicious cycle of complacency

  • Optimizing Personal & Family cash flow

  • The importance of Net worth tracking and forecasting

  • Defining saving and investing objectives

  • Identifying opportunities to improve your financial health

  • How to build an investment portfolio based on your own expectations, resources, and risk appetite

  • Stock market: when to enter and how

  • Why Bonds should be part of your portfolio

  • Exploration of sophisticated investment alternatives such as Derivatives (Options) & Futures

  • Benefits of combining different instruments with your stock's portfolio

  • P/F 101 Seminar: A step-by-step personalized training designed for those who want to benefit from ~40-50% Return over Buying Power

Investment Alternatives

In a 45 minutes session we will define based on your interests what is the best alternative to achieve your goals.

Book your free session today